Training course length is customizable based on your needs.

Inherent dangers exist with generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. The proper use of safety equipment, knowledge of electrical hazards, and knowledge of how to respond in the event of an electrical disaster are absolutely essential for all electrical personnel. This lockout-tagout/electrical safety assessment will ensure the information needed to comply with the latest OSHA standards and company specific requirements in lockout-tagout is provided.
Backgroung & Safety Fundamentals
- Definition and Basic Premise
- Equipment Requirements
- Wiring Requirements
- Work Space
- Grounding and Guarding
Work Planning
- Plan Elements
- Hazard Analysis
- MOPs
- Briefing Requirements
Energized Work
- Preliminary Planning
- Permissions
- Energized Work Permit
- Selection and Use of PPE
- Boundaries
- Insulated Tools
- Close Out Inspections
- Recent Findings
- Definitions
- Contractors
- Verifications of De-Energization
- Application of Personal Protective Grounds
- Re-Energization
- Working On or Near Energized Equipment
- Equipment Specific Procedures
Other Requirements
- GFCI Use
- Interlocks
- Safe Switching
- Emergency Response
- Preparing EWP
- Preparing LOTO Procedures