Register for the Webinar

Topic: Implementing a Successful Group Lockout Tagout Strategy

Description:  When servicing and/or maintenance is performed by a group of employees, the employer must develop and implement a process that provides employees with the same level of protection as an individual lockout.

This situation often requires a more in depth management strategy.  During this webinar, we will discuss:

-Pre-planning solutions to this complex issue

-Maintaining compliance with OSHA’s requirements

-Equipment and devices to aid in group LOTO

-Managing multiple vendors during a maintenance event

Trainer: Rick Elwell, OHST, CESCP

When:  Tuesday, May 12   10am to 11:30am Central Time

Format:  Goto Meeting Webinar with interactive Q&A following the presentation.


  • Used only for webinar invite and access

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Please feel free to get in touch!
